woah the writing is so good and both of them are complex characters however im still waiti...

Tobiochan March 15, 2025 9:09 am

woah the writing is so good and both of them are complex characters however im still waiting for seo in to do something redeemable i cant help but feel bad for all the things that yeongwoon has been through i mean technically both of them but all yeoungwoon did is be kind and this is what he gets???

    Bre March 15, 2025 4:25 pm

    why you all blame seoin when it’s actually that twin ass bitch who make yeongwoon suffer. seoin doesn’t even know what his twin did with yeongwoon

    xXanime4everXx March 15, 2025 4:42 pm
    why you all blame seoin when it’s actually that twin ass bitch who make yeongwoon suffer. seoin doesn’t even know what his twin did with yeongwoon Bre

    uh what about all the ??? How do people say he doesnt need a redemption arc he

    Bre March 15, 2025 4:59 pm
    uh what about all the ??? How do people say he doesnt need a redemption arc he xXanime4everXx

    hardly cause most of that part he kinda forcing but he already warn yeongwoon he not going to stop. in last chapter season 1 he literally worried about yeongwoon anxiety, he are not that horrible tho compare to other top manhwa he is just in middle not good and not too bad

    Jaidn March 16, 2025 7:13 am
    hardly cause most of that part he kinda forcing but he already warn yeongwoon he not going to stop. in last chapter season 1 he literally worried about yeongwoon anxiety, he are not that horrible tho compare t... Bre

    He’s still bad. The bad things he went through doesn’t excuse the bad things he does. He’s hurt the MC in various ways so there still needs to be a redemption arc. Also a redemption arc will also be good for Seonin not just Yeongwoon.

    Annej March 18, 2025 10:26 am
    why you all blame seoin when it’s actually that twin ass bitch who make yeongwoon suffer. seoin doesn’t even know what his twin did with yeongwoon Bre

    why do yall mfs always need to justify his actions it's still BAD omfggg stfuuuuu

    chocobuun March 18, 2025 4:39 pm

    To be fair though what seoin did in current time isn’t justified, I wouldn’t exactly call yeongwoon only ever being kind. He left seoin first back then, though likely for a good reason due to what was going on. But then they reunited and MC did have the opportunity to tell the truth of why he left and everything else, but decided to let Seoin believe he really just abandoned/ghosted him.

    It’s not a good reason for seoin to do those things, but MC did choose to stick to seoin and also not say a word of what happened back then. It’s like imagine if someone was messing around with you, being intimate, etc. then leaves you and never contacts you, shows back up in your life and wants to be around you without saying a word of why they left you in the first place. You’d likely be upset and won’t be able to treat them as nicely. This isn’t an excuse for seoin but an explanation of yeongwoon’s actions from a different POV