woah the writing is so good and both of them are complex characters however im still waiting for seo in to do something redeemable i cant help but feel bad for all the things that yeongwoon has been through i mean technically both of them but all yeoungwoon did is be kind and this is what he gets???
uh what about all the ??? How do people say he doesnt need a redemption arc he xXanime4everXx
hardly cause most of that part he kinda forcing but he already warn yeongwoon he not going to stop. in last chapter season 1 he literally worried about yeongwoon anxiety, he are not that horrible tho compare to other top manhwa he is just in middle not good and not too bad
woah the writing is so good and both of them are complex characters however im still waiting for seo in to do something redeemable i cant help but feel bad for all the things that yeongwoon has been through i mean technically both of them but all yeoungwoon did is be kind and this is what he gets???