This took me in a rollercoaster, not just an ordinary coaster, but a coaster with many ups...

Suck my tortellini March 15, 2025 7:03 am

This took me in a rollercoaster, not just an ordinary coaster, but a coaster with many ups and downs. But i grit my teeth all the way through and manage to finish this. Not a very extravagant ending, but it's good enough for me and the main couple's insanity. But the number of times this couple frustrated me-- like i had to force myself to look at it as a comedy and laugh just to carry myself through those god-frustrating chapters-. And don't get me started with that Hyeonbitchthepsycho, I hated him once on my first read way back then, and i still hate him NOW. Like bitch I AM GLAD THAT BITCH TURNT TO A TOMATO PUREE. Like the instant i remembered him i'm instantly like, DIE.
