The princess hunted a cat

Rhaeneirys March 15, 2025 6:12 am

It was probably just a representation but why did they include a white cat in the animals hunted with an arrow ToT
Sorry I felt triggered, just lost my cat qwq

    Uselessfujoshi March 15, 2025 3:23 pm

    It was a representation of her devouring nobles who don't support her but i agree with you, why cat

    riftankiss March 16, 2025 11:45 am

    i was coming here to say the same thing! she killed a fucking cat!!!! she s horrible and the author is making us take sides with the prince instead they dont want us to waver since the prince is a piece of shit but the author wants us to know that he isnt as piece of shit as the princess so we pick the lesser one.