Hopelessromantic March 15, 2025 2:11 am

What is going onnnn????? You killed his mom.? Whyyyyy.!!??? Not invalidating that your mom is an abuser but what the heck.. Also I don't think the blacked haired guy killed Mc's mom for some reason. I'm pretty sure if he did we would have been shown by now.

    Wacko88 March 15, 2025 3:07 am

    I always kind of wondered if it wasn’t the Imae Chief’s shit bag son who did it. I also thought it was weird that we haven’t been shown yet that Garon killed her. We’ve seen all the other shit he’s done, why hide that one thing?

    Hopelessromantic March 15, 2025 12:46 pm
    I always kind of wondered if it wasn’t the Imae Chief’s shit bag son who did it. I also thought it was weird that we haven’t been shown yet that Garon killed her. We’ve seen all the other shit he’s do... Wacko88

    Exactly so that means he most likely didn't do it it's either the Chief and his followers or Garon's brother I'm positive. Though I feel like it could be the brother because they're making the male lead have a fun time with him only for him to find out that he killed the mom so he run away from him too I don't know I feel like that's what's gonna happen.