
I’m a Natsuhi lover, but I get where you’re coming from. Honestly my
opinion is that I hope all of them get a route! I’m absolutely in love with Natsuhi cause I’m a sick bastard for side characters. I love the fishing scene so much with the mc and Natsuhi.. I don’t know why but it was just so perfect for them THEY MAKE ME SICKKK
I can’t believe he didn’t choose Kaede. I was so sure he was gonna choose him and next chapter it says someone else’s name and I’m really bad with names so I even went back and double checked both names and key colors. I feel like a total fool. Bamboozled even. I think MC’s platonic chemistry is with Natsuhi’s brother is stronger then the romantic chemistry between MC and Natsuhi if that makes sense? Idk I know I’m just Kaede biased. Also the janitor need to eh locked up in jail or sum.