okay, after getting past the initially bad (they get better) translations, i quite liked it. 1. it was interesting that there were two regressors. the time regression wasn't explained but i'm choosing to believe it was because they were twins and had basically the same overlapping wish at the moment of their death. or at least the later translations call them twins. magical twin stuff. 2. everybody had good character motivations. 3. i especially like how bitter our main character was. how she got worn down with it. she was relatable. i've read too many stories where the main character is just, i dunno how to say, like endlessly peppy or something, a go-getter, i-give-zero-shits-so-now-it's-my-way-or-the-highway type of person. which is fine for that but it's not relatable like patrizia was for me here.
okay, after getting past the initially bad (they get better) translations, i quite liked it. 1. it was interesting that there were two regressors. the time regression wasn't explained but i'm choosing to believe it was because they were twins and had basically the same overlapping wish at the moment of their death. or at least the later translations call them twins. magical twin stuff. 2. everybody had good character motivations. 3. i especially like how bitter our main character was. how she got worn down with it. she was relatable. i've read too many stories where the main character is just, i dunno how to say, like endlessly peppy or something, a go-getter, i-give-zero-shits-so-now-it's-my-way-or-the-highway type of person. which is fine for that but it's not relatable like patrizia was for me here.