I'm really confused first people lovvvveeed this, couldn't get enough ( while yes there wa...

Happiness March 14, 2025 9:47 pm

I'm really confused first people lovvvveeed this, couldn't get enough ( while yes there was some criticism) but now everyone is holding up pitchforks the moment someone brings up this manwha???

I think the storyline has potential and the art ( minus those really intereting proportions) is also very nice, I mean its not AMAZING but is definitely not as bad as some stuff I've read that has definitely gotten less hate

    donniedarko March 14, 2025 9:52 pm

    I agree I feel like it’s js cuz of her boobs and they say this manwha is made by a man but I don’t think we know the authors gender

    Happiness March 14, 2025 9:57 pm
    I agree I feel like it’s js cuz of her boobs and they say this manwha is made by a man but I don’t think we know the authors gender donniedarko

    Yeah I heard that, and I highly doubt it. I can only speak for books but usually the male and female perspective on romance is quite different, to the point I can always tell when a romance book is written by a man ( and same with a lot of manwha that contain nsfw content), and I didn't get that vibe at all. People's main arguments are her body and the fact that she is older, but noona romances have also been popular with women so I think that is a pretty dumb reason to think the author must be a man.

    Their loss ig

    donniedarko March 14, 2025 10:04 pm
    Yeah I heard that, and I highly doubt it. I can only speak for books but usually the male and female perspective on romance is quite different, to the point I can always tell when a romance book is written by a... Happiness

    Yeah I agree and the story isnt THATT bad there are some realistic points about unfaithful marriages I am one to not like a story but this one isn’t horrible

    Happiness March 14, 2025 10:18 pm
    Yeah I agree and the story isnt THATT bad there are some realistic points about unfaithful marriages I am one to not like a story but this one isn’t horrible donniedarko

    Agreeeed, only time will tell how good this is gonna be ( or not). The only thing I'm really scared about is that she ends up back with her ex, causs the author is trying to also show that he once treated her very well, tho I think thats more to show why she didn't immediately leave him. So I doubt it but its possible, if that happens then I am jumping on the a man must have written this train, cause then this entire manwha was just a long spiel to show women should forgive cheating bastards ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    underyourbed March 14, 2025 10:33 pm

    Forced hate tbh

    Happiness March 14, 2025 11:01 pm
    Forced hate tbh underyourbed

    No cause literally??? Everyone being like now that I can be honest???? Huh????

    underyourbed March 14, 2025 11:33 pm
    No cause literally??? Everyone being like now that I can be honest???? Huh???? Happiness

    Girl what?? I did not understand u(´༎ρ༎`)

    Happiness March 15, 2025 12:03 am
    Girl what?? I did not understand u(´༎ρ༎`) underyourbed

    BABHAAH sorry, what I meant is that there are so many ppl coming forward saying that they can now "be honest" and say they never liked this manwha in the first place. It seems very forced that everyone is saying they were a hater from the start