Now hear me out, I've read a certain series who's name I can't remember. That series also ...

RED PANDA March 14, 2025 8:42 pm

Now hear me out, I've read a certain series who's name I can't remember. That series also started with a very problematic relationship. But the writer knew what they were doing, they took their sweet time to make it problematic and then make give it a redemption. And then the were in a healthy relationship.
Although that couple were not abusive, they were just bad people. But I feel like this series so bluntly showing dv, there's no way the writer is just doing it for shock value.they probably have something in mind, to fix this.
Although I might be giving them too much credit, because I don't know how you fix a dv relationship ethically.

    Motheatencasanova March 15, 2025 2:32 am

    That's the thing. You actually cannot "redeem" dv. Sure it's fiction so everything will he okay after romanticising but logically speaking you can never redeem a dv relationship