yall gotta admit op is right LOLOL i lowkey hate read this, its funny n all but the author is a shotacon and yeah this whole thing is a fetish fantasy of theirs they have 3d hentai vids of the characters fucking each other already... even the sister pegging the mc!! incest! So yeah the author is weird and it has weird themes, but its also quite entertaining if you ignore the clear fetishism, like victorious and that weird director LMAO

If you're uncomfortable with that kind of stuff, then all power to you. But if this really was an actual problem, this would have never gotten published in the first place. This story and all others went through multiple hands before being released (editors, artists, translators) by an actual publishing company. These are all people's real jobs with real money concerned. No one ever blames the publisher; it's always the artist. You're free to think the author is weird, but outside the internet this honestly isn't a problem because everyone knows it's not real. Any psychologist worth their salt will tell you that having problematic kinks does not mean you ACTUALLY want it to happen. It's all fantasy and that's what makes it safe to explore. That's why you still read it despite not liking certain parts of it.

Hate reading is a thing, smart guy, yes I read 56 chapters of this in order to make a clear opinion, and to join the JUSTIFIED hate train with arguments, and no, i'm not an homophobe as a gay man, I am a critical thinker unlike you pedos, i only read gay stories on this website cause the straight stories are shit, and I point out when the stories are shit or the characters suck ass. Nothing homophobic bout that.
Coconut, "fantasy" is based on reality, if a man is ready to sexualize fake children, he is 100% capable of watching pedo porn. Pedophilia is a huge issue in asian countries, it's not properly punished, so those people take liberties, it doesn't make it right. if someone drew your little sister pregnant, would you still say its fantasy so we dont care? I sure hope not.
And Pee, I 100% agree w you, it's entertaining to a certain degree, when we ignore all the red flags :p

Not entirely true. Many people can watch people dying while being unfazed but that doesn't mean they can kill. You also read all 56 chapter for your "very intelligent" opinion. You we're able to get through all those shit scenes does that mean you can also watch pedo shits? Doesn't that make you the same? Don't be a hypocrite. No one's asking for your opinion. Or maybe save your hate reading on something more important like politics or maybe just mind your own business. Whatever's on the internet stays on the internet. If you read this shit bevause ur a pedo or you turn pedo that's on you. I did read this for entertainment but atleast I can confidently tell myself that I'm not a pedo. My point is?; internet doesn't affect my personal views irl. I'm here on this side of the internet because it's silly and if you can't accept that then good luck on you hate reading, stay miserable but I hope you don't turn pedo :))

Sheesh... You must really hate your life if you reading all this "pedo" story you really hate.. and just to prove a point at that.. i pity you man.. i read so i can turn my brain off and enjoy whatever this shitty illegal site give me.. but hey.. for someone who doesnt spend a penny, you certainly talk a lot. Heres a thought.. why dont you go to the author account, dm him.. Andd tell him how much a shitty jerk he is for making this manhwa. Im sure it will be A LOT more impactful than complaining on an illegal site like this. Cheers

Hm I honestly wouldnt inherently attack or shame someone for exploring these themes, especially if its linked to their trauma and a coping mechanism, but as someone who was groomed by someone who loved shota and lolicon and was originally introduced to sexual ideas linked with children from these communities I wouldn't agree either. In my opinion it really does give people ideas and introducing these sexual ideas that directly depict children or purposely childlike characters is a dangerous thing, although i do know that a lot people can be sensible, a lot of others cannot. Pornographic material has always been known you affect you whether you're aware of it or not. Theres definitely some manga out there with worse material than this, that isnt even shotabait and straight up toddler hentai and it would still get published because its fictional and if you can probably find a publisher who likes that, doesnt mean it is moral, but after all that is just my opinion ^~^ I find that when porn sexualizes a childlike feature or hobby it has directly affected how people see children and the things they do, in my experience anyways. Not really looking to argue, perhaps i might be bias because of my own trauma
1/ stop asking for sex scenes when theyre all minors here (high school students), like, even if they're 18, they'd have just reached that age, so they're essentially still teens
2/ the size difference is ridiculously pedophilic
3/ the sexualization of the "condition" the MC has is even more ridiculous
4/ the ML (hyun woo or whatever) is absolute shit and should die
5/ the bully should just go commit right fucking now before the author tries to make them become "friends" (chapter 56)
6/ Keep in mind that it's probably a grown woman drawing this shit, lmao.