Honestly I would think he would be clueless about the sexual stuff since he is a bit dumb in Chapter two he got a low grade in the test he gave him so I don’t have any hope that he would have experience
now what if he didnt mean anything other than sleeping in the same bed because he likes warmth and then theyre both confused rotfrey
I'm thinking the exact same thing, its almost definitely just a misunderstanding which is why i said "for when it does happen" since it might NOT happen next chapter. or maybe it will. who knows.
I'm thinking he does mean it the literal way and not a sexual way
Honestly I would think he would be clueless about the sexual stuff since he is a bit dumb in Chapter two he got a low grade in the test he gave him so I don’t have any hope that he would have experience Silly robber
LOL i said the exact same thing to my friend, my delusional self is hoping that Guwon is the uke but that is DEFINITELY wishful thinking and im certain that hes canonically a seme. it will still be funny if he has no idea how to do it though
Guwon definitely gives clueless himbo, but I'm wondering if it's a ruse and he'll end up unleashing himself upon Teach. Like he seems soft and innocent now buuuuut... he knows exactly what he's doing and is approaching the MC cautiously, feeling him out.
Guwon definitely gives clueless himbo, but I'm wondering if it's a ruse and he'll end up unleashing himself upon Teach. Like he seems soft and innocent now buuuuut... he knows exactly what he's doing and is app... 0beyRay
Guys lets place our guesses, for when it does happen, do we think Guwon is gonna be a sex god in bed or is he going to be a completely clueless himbo?