this reminds me of door to door where the author explicitly says that the mc has a legitimate condition that makes him pursue sexual actitvites while he's asleep. but in this.. it's just fetish content, not fleshed out. only the readers are deducing a condition he may have that led to him growing like that

Yes, omg completely agreed. This manhwa is just a shitty fetish of the author. I just thought of his symptoms completely align with what they taught us in the textbooks. This type of manhwa is like something you don’t tell anyone you read it and you also don’t take it seriously. It’s so shitty but the same time it’s entertaining. I think due to human minds have repressed desires, always curious to catch up with what’s worse can happen next…ppl kept coming back to check

Yeah, but they already explained that Illtak's condition isn't genetic but hormonal imbalance. He got more estrogen, less testosterone and his tiny height is just genes, twink body is just a fantasy idk. He do be having no hair and clear glowing skin though. That's the only part that keep me ok with not questioning his extremely twinky body anymore. That's why I like this crazy story

Yeah Ofc He may or he may not have this condition. I said it just as a one of the possible diagnosis. Well, syndrome is a group of signs and symptoms that occur together and characterize a particular condition so all his symptoms actually fell under this Klinefelter syndrome, except Hyperprolactinaemia which is a pituitary cause and not related with genetic condition (Actually I wanted to use my taught medical knowledge somewhere and so I made that comment lol Nothing serious at all)

Sure, But genetic disorder like klinfelter will be examined even before the baby is born. Y know, the kind of tests and procedures conducted during pregnancy for the detection of any disease in the foetus. If Illtak had it, his doctors would know and so would his parents beforehand. In klinfelter height is actually just like a usual man, not like a twink or curvy body. Breast enlargement is a symptom that matches. Anyway, I like talking about this stuff.

Yes omg Thank you for the correction I just completely forgot one of the important feature, long limbs and a low upper/lower segment ratio. Yes ong Their height is of no where near of a twink. I think it’s a Tuner syndrome in woman that have short stature, i must have mixed up. Really thank you for re- surfacing my memories haha Now This condition will be one thing I’ll never forget now
I am a medical student. the features he’s having resemble Klinefelter syndrome (47,XXY) it’s a genetic condition in males caused by an extra X chromosome, and can manifest with symptoms like female body configuration, reduced muscle mass, lack of male secondary sexual characteristics, gynecomastia, low testosterone. Even though it feels morally wrong to see him being a tiny little guy paired up with a giant, I can’t help but just let it slide as a medical condition… something you’re born with and you can’t control