I think he is going to start treating him well, and dan is going to have his defenses down and then BAM sth JK said before in the past or sth is going come back and make Dan be upset again and then JK is gonna start caring moreeee and come crawling, it's the normal formula that works so I don't complain, I just hope JK gets to crawl for Dan's love enough time to make me feel like he deserves even a hair from Lil alcoholic bby Danny Boi!
I hate when the bottom suffers like 80 chapts and the top redemption are like 5 chapts long! Like dude nooooo make me go "c'mon, forgive him! He is hot and he is trying" to the clearly traumatized dude who in real life should NOT forgive him but hey this is fiction so who cares...anyways I'm rambling, good analysis and I agree with you...he does have stupid long eyelashes, and the other stuff too. Ahhaha

our lil champ is just spicy
and thank you for replying! i appreciate the insight and yes it's the perfect formula for a hit, but, truly - I truly and deeply hope, out lil champ is on his legs begging.
Like sis (Dan) needs to have him on all fours, tears falling down his (JKs) pretty pretty lashes, miserable, starving to feel any form of warmth from Dan. like his very being depends on it.
but sigh. it is but just a dream, cause yes you are absolutely right, these redemption arcs are awfully, painfully short. what tf happened to making hot men beg for respect they lost and crave it back???

Exactly Exactly!!!! I just need him to be miserable enough that WE are the one begging Dan to forgive him? Is that too much to ask??? Let the man GROVEL!!!!
Hopefully we are on our way to that, just needs a Lil push ლ(´0`ლ) also I hope Dan gets better, seeing him like that every chapter hits too close to home and gets me sad, he is such a kind character that I wish him the best, he deserves to be spoiled by JK
Now this is a big hear me out, and just truly expressing myself, you don't have to agree or disagree. a discussion - let's say.
So first of all from what we can see from JK till now is the fact that he's a very "get down to business" Kinda guy. Being a wrestler and shit I'm sure he must have gone thru alot of rough times, we can assume he's always been ina rough and tough environment, where allowing yourself to ponder on your emotions might not have been a privilege (now this can ofc only be confirmed w a backstory, but just for the sake of discussion)
Now I am well aware he's been a lil bitch to Dan, he's a lil bitch in general wanna smack his pretty face and stupid long eyelashes, but. He was paying Dan for his 'service', a very technical guy this one.
Not defending him or his actions but definitely this technical Lad was sticking to what he knows. and he knows is that he paid alot of money to Dan for whatever reason.
Is the idea of having real human to human feelings, something so foreign to this lad, and if so, why?
now idek what I'm tryna say at this point, but if y'all have come this far i have a question for y'all:
How long do y'all think JK is gonna take to realise he can feel human emotions? and has human feelings for our boy Dan?