My stomach churned after reading the updates.. I reallt beileved rindo was obssessed pos...

GumjiNyoki ♥ March 14, 2025 4:10 pm

My stomach churned after reading the updates..

I reallt beileved rindo was obssessed possessive of Amane (during that u die i die talk). But, now Amane's out of the picture for a lil while... he puts hinself out there! Again? Like doesnt he learn . I dont know if he's kind, oblivious or naive.

But at this point his behavior doesn't protect Amane . He's just being selfish on what he feels at the moment without a care for consequences. I hope Amane makes him so jealous he wont even look at other people.

    PurpleHeart March 19, 2025 5:12 am


    I feel like Amane needs times to heal himself personally or someone who can match his freak...
    Rindo needs someone who is not insecure, confident and forgiving/understanding so Rindo having no boundaries doesn't mean a problem to them.

    Even though Rindo and Amane are pretty much the end game... After reaching chapter 190 I don't feel like it's a good idea to put them as the endgame anymore because ironically the more the story goes longer the more it shows how unsuitable Amane and Rindo are as a couple.
    Even though the author would put resolution to this Yanagi problem in the end the core of their recent issues now are Rindo himself. Do you see how weak Rindo is to handsomeness or people who praise his ego ? Rindo really need to put those boundaries with people if he really wants to stay by Amane side because Amane isn't in a "stable state" to be in a relationship.

    NB : Imagined Amane having an accident because of Mariko (the wife of Yanagi) when Yanagi and Rindo are doing whatever they're doing now isolated on their island.
    Amane is taken to the hospital where he woke up and have developed the amnesia trope so Amane can't remember Rindo... (Just his past when he was abused as a child and as a teenager) but Amane still feel like he can't remember something really important to him which is Rindo. But then... BAM! There appears besides him his personal perverted stalker who always wanted to be Rindo for Amane. When Amane wake up to see besides him the perverted Stalker, Amane reveals indirectly his amnesia to him... The perverted stalker decide to use it as his advantage to replace Rindo in Amane's life.
    The perverted stalker manipulates Amane to think they're the one to get married but there is this Rindo guy who is Amane's perverted stalker and try to ruin their relationship.
    Vulnerable Amane believe the perverted stalker bullshit that's why Amane takes him for his special person and Rindo for the perverted stalker...
    Just imagine this kind of scenario... d(ŐдŐ๑)

    GumjiNyoki ♥ March 19, 2025 6:26 am

    Tge fact when you said that they were pretty much end game before 190 was so true its hear breaking. Hiw many vows have they said it was a happily ever after.. and now were here realizing how incompatible they ... it breaks my heart..

    Now that fan fic is freaking fabulouis

    GumjiNyoki ♥ March 19, 2025 6:32 am
    True. I feel like Amane needs times to heal himself personally or someone who can match his freak... Rindo needs someone who is not insecure, confident and forgiving/understanding so Rindo having no boundaries ... PurpleHeart

    The fact when you said that they were pretty much end game before 190 was so true its hear breaking. How many vows have they said it was a happily ever after.. and now we're here realizing how incompatible they are.. it breaks my heart..and it breaks the story that i love.

    Now that fan fic is freaking genius. We need another perverted stalker a real fucking head over heels character to match Amane's love.

    Rindo at this point is just a pain. I cant believe there will come a time that his face would be so annoying. Stupid Rindo. I really want him to hurt mentally tooo. I want him to feel guilt, to suffer and know how hopelessly stupid he is idk how to redeem this chracter flaw . .. ugh..

    GumjiNyoki ♥ March 19, 2025 6:32 am
    Tge fact when you said that they were pretty much end game before 190 was so true its hear breaking. Hiw many vows have they said it was a happily ever after.. and now were here realizing how incompatible they ... GumjiNyoki ♥

    Ignore this

    PurpleHeart March 19, 2025 5:36 pm
    The fact when you said that they were pretty much end game before 190 was so true its hear breaking. How many vows have they said it was a happily ever after.. and now we're here realizing how incompatible they... GumjiNyoki ♥

    Even though they're fictional characters and it shouldn't be a big deal... As you said we love the story so in the end because of this attachment I can't feel indifferent about it.
    I mean it's natural to see Amane make the bigger effort to adapt for their relationship to make it work because Amane has serious issues/baggages which would consciously or unconsciously influence the way he interact in his relationship.
    So it's logical to see more character development from Amane than Rindo.
    However when we reach chapter 190 we can witness everything Rindo and Amane have constructed crumbling down just because of a fcking handsome face. Like... I can't believe we have a Rindo who act like this after everything Amane and Rindo have gone through just because, once again, of a handsome face. And that's what it is frustrating the most because we are now in chapter 190 and practically at the end of the story with them getting married but there is still no progress with Rindo. Clearly the issue could be avoided if Rindo for once could set boundaries. Setting boundaries with people doesn't mean cutting ties with everyone no... It's not allowing people to enter your private space without your own accord. If Rindo want to stay by Amane side he also need to change.

    A lot of alarming signs in this chapter... Yanagi grabbed Rindo face at least two times if I remember correctly... And the worst in this... Is how Rindo isn't bothered by this situation by allowing it and blushing like crazy with only praise in his mind for Yanagi... (Rindo only thinking how dangerous it is to see a handsome face from up close instead of thinking how dangerous it is for his relationship with Amane, how Rindo thinks how confident Yanagi is when Yanagi push himself toward Rindo making eye contact in a ambiguous pose when Rindo proposed Amane to kill him if he ever cheated on him like do you really have a dead wish Rindo? )
    And mind you one is married and the other is getting married...

    Like really... I try to not be too hard on Rindo but chapter 190 was the peak of annoyance for me. So I understand what you feel about Rindo because I just feel frustrated by Rindo's character. Even with the resolution I would truly feel bitter because of this Yanagi arc and mostly because of this damned chapter 190.