What's wrong with feeling bad for the animal I like. Tbh your input was the one un-necessary. And FYI cats are eaten around my place by certain groups and they kidnapped MY CATS and MANY OTHER PEOPLE'S CATS TO EAT. You are so casually talking about it while acting as you care for all living creatures you hypocrite.

I’m sorry, but when was I talking to you? Why are you coming crashing out on me when I never spoke to you in the first place? Please also, DO explain to me how am I being a hypocrite when I say that none of those animals should’ve been killed? And that crying about one and not caring about others is just weird morals IN MY OPINION? What anm I talking casually about? Also, sorry for what happened to you, because it’s screwed up but how is that related to my comment at all? Did I wish that upon you? Did I say people should be allowed to do that or why exactly are you making this personal towards me? And FYI if you wanna trauma dump unsolicitedly then cats of my neighbors killed my bunnies. So what? How is that related here? If you’re talking about unnecessary comment (which btw this is an illegal comic website comment section none of the comments here are necessary at all) yours is far more unnecessary than mine cause like what the hell are you even talking about?

You’re coming out of nowhere having some kind of personal meltdown on me, acting like I wished death upon your cats when I never even spoke to you? Cause of what? Me pointing out that caring about one animal alone and disregarding the others is a bit weird to me? (Btw no hate to original commenter, I was just expressing my opinion) How the same as it is culturally acceptable for us to eat them (as that WAS THE ARGUMENT here from other people), recognizing that in others cultures it is normal to eat cats as a counter argument? Im sorry, but it is not my fault that someone else’s exchange of opinions triggered you. Work through that with a therapist if needed. I’m allowed to express my opinion and discuss things with people. This is what comment sections are for, you don’t need approval to express yourself.

OMG Just what is your problem?!!! I just clearly stated that I like, no let me rephrase that I LOVE cats. And none of those who commented feeling bad for cats said they did not feel bad for the OTHER animals. NEITHER did I. I was simply bothered by seeing a CAT which I LOVE amidst WILD animals which are completely unrelated to a CAT. And Yes I trauma dumped on a HEARTLESS you who started talking about CATS being EATEN which WAS COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY. And YES that felt personal!!!! Whatever happened to your bunny was unfortunate, I'm sorry for your loss because I'm an animal lover and I raised Angoras as well, But just why did you have to talk about cats being EATEN huh?!!! Then would it be fine if I talked about bunnies being EATEN?!!! I'd hate to do that!! Stray Dogs mauled one of my cats but I never talked about dogs bring EATEN SO CASUALLY?!!

Culture Culture culture. I have my Own culture and others have their own. Some aspects in mine might bother others. What are you? Conducting a sociology class??? I wouldn't have been bothered had you stopped with saying you were bothered that people ONLY cared for cats but you just had to discuss about them being eaten. NO ONE SAID THEY WERE NOT BOTHERED BY OTHER ANIMALS. And yes this is a illegal website and I was severely bothered by your comment which is obviously biased AGAINST cats. Don't you think you should be the one visiting therapist for disliking on all cats except for the ones which harmed your bunny.

Girly pop, you’re the one with a problem here. “None commented that they didn’t feel bad for the other animals” yes they did, did you even bother to read the discussion you came to? And unnecessarily started talking about cats being eaten? Again, do u have problems with reading comprehension? That was an ARGUMENT in a DISCUSSION you didn’t even bother to read but got all pissy about. If you think caring about all animals equally makes me heartless then that’s your business honestly. And bunnies being eaten? I don’t care if you were to bring that up as an argument, since it would be a valid one if I was like “Bunnies shouldn’t be killed but all other animals are fair game”. It seems to me like you have a lot of unresolved trauma and triggers happening here, and I’m not a therapist. Again, YOU came into this discussion, didn’t bother to read it, clearly, and then decided to feel offended about VERY RELEVANT arguments that were made towards a DIFFERENT PERSON. The discussion was about about killing/hunting/eating animals in the first place, the fact that you got all personal about one of them being mentioned is not on me.
That fucking blonde bitch better be dead anytime soon for killing cats!!!!! I hope she dies in the most humiliating and excruciating pain humanity has to give