Those rich brats are so annoying -_-

ibuki29 May 20, 2017 6:28 pm

Children at their age is like a double edge knife, they think it's a game for fun while at the same time they can ruin someone's life (don't know if they know the consequence or not) (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ I feel you yoo woon chibi I feel you ╥﹏╥

    manganiME May 20, 2017 7:58 pm

    I always laugh when someone say children are innocent. Children are not innocent. As soon as they can walk and talk, they are selfish and self-centered. As soon as they can lie, they are manipulative.

    Humans are humans, small or big. They can just get more info to be better manipulators and liars and jerks as they grow older, unless they internalize morality--choose not to go with the evil flow. That's why child-rearing matters and why when parents always make excuses for hteir own kids being bad (like this mother excusing physical attack as "heroic" rather than bullying), they just encourage that selfishness.

    Turtle May 20, 2017 8:48 pm
    I always laugh when someone say children are innocent. Children are not innocent. As soon as they can walk and talk, they are selfish and self-centered. As soon as they can lie, they are manipulative. Humans ar... manganiME

    Preach fam