Probably gonna be hated for this

June March 14, 2025 12:55 pm

Very hated and most likely unpopular opinion, I actually like Hyung Joo with iltak, ik he's gonna be with hyunwoo canonically but ya know, a guy can dream, it's just a ship in the end, I'll admit that Hyung Joo is a terribly bad guy but... I don't really have anything to explain myself why, it's on the tip of my tongue but it's too complicated for me to comprehend it to you guys, hate me all you want, at the end of the day it's just my opinion, Hyung Joo is better than half of the fictional characters I've seen before, I just like him that's all, it's not that deep

    Sharkany March 14, 2025 1:17 pm

    I agree it's the enemies to lovers that makes it good

    chaeyerrr March 14, 2025 1:42 pm

    Don't let them silence you queen i understand

    jjm.n March 14, 2025 2:35 pm

    Do yall not remember him getting iltak really drunk in order to try to rape him?

    June March 14, 2025 3:06 pm
    Do yall not remember him getting iltak really drunk in order to try to rape him? jjm.n

    That's like 89℅ plot of BL these days, it's not surprising anymore, not that I agree with rape and red flags, absolutely hate it but Hyung Joo just hits diff for some reason n I believe he won't do that kind of shit anymore but he'll still be a pervert ig, makes no sense but you can just ignore us

    June March 14, 2025 3:16 pm
    Do yall not remember him getting iltak really drunk in order to try to rape him? jjm.n

    Wait no wonder it felt like a deja vu I've seen ur comments on slammer dogs, r u rlly judging us when u literally ship the two guys who technically forcefully raped the MC of that story?

    sc♡ March 14, 2025 3:18 pm
    Wait no wonder it felt like a deja vu I've seen ur comments on slammer dogs, r u rlly judging us when u literally ship the two guys who technically forcefully raped the MC of that story? June

    yikes omg March 14, 2025 4:07 pm

    Well to each their own.... But idk I just don't fw him even for enemies to lovers potential (even though I'm a sucker for that and 2nd ML syndrome). He just looks like he smells like sweaty coins to me. Like he only showers once a week and wears the same underwear for days. I think it's the aesthetic. Can't explain.

    Pero que le vamos a hacer March 14, 2025 4:15 pm

    He's not my cup of tea, but I honestly don't mind all the ships in this story because it's just a silly one lol

    jjm.n March 14, 2025 6:29 pm
    Wait no wonder it felt like a deja vu I've seen ur comments on slammer dogs, r u rlly judging us when u literally ship the two guys who technically forcefully raped the MC of that story? June

    Girl that’s a story set in a prison, it’s expected with literal criminals….this story is set in a HIGH SCHOOL. It is not the same

    ankle devotee March 14, 2025 8:09 pm

    their dynamic is more interesting and i feel like iltak can like stand up for himself better?

    June March 14, 2025 8:31 pm
    Girl that’s a story set in a prison, it’s expected with literal criminals….this story is set in a HIGH SCHOOL. It is not the same jjm.n

    But they still raped him? So it's alright for adults but not teens huh, and besides, hyung joo didn't even get through with it, that's what's important, he's a dumbass, so hopefully he learns from his mistake and I never said he was an angel either, I just like him for his character okay and so you can just let us ship whoever we want and we won't give a shit about yours either

    jjm.n March 14, 2025 9:12 pm
    But they still raped him? So it's alright for adults but not teens huh, and besides, hyung joo didn't even get through with it, that's what's important, he's a dumbass, so hopefully he learns from his mistake a... June

    Chill out June and like I said, they’re criminals…that’s what happens in prison irl as well so it’s to be expected in a story like that is my point. Whatever floats your boat then ig lol