Calling someone a rape apologist for pointing out how other people keep complaining while continuing to read this is basically a pot calling the kettle black… maybe use a little bit of reading comprehension before throwing out such wild accusations
so quick to call someone a rape defender and yet you’re still reading this.. it’s not like he’s gonna turn himself into prison to repent

"you are still reading this" girl grow up. You are not clocking anything with that lame sentence. That has nothing to do with defending r*pe or saying move on from r*pe. "it’s not like he’s gonna turn himself into prison to repent" like what does that even mean?!? Omggg. So we shouldnt call out people when people say something outrageously controversial and disgusting things? What are you? 14 years old or sum?
why r ppl still commenting abt the rape scene? get over it bro