Okay the story is hot to high hell but like...no safeword? The dude's just starting out wi...

FancyNya March 14, 2025 11:04 am

Okay the story is hot to high hell but like...no safeword? The dude's just starting out with the pet play Juhee at least tell him about safewords and what he's getting into in the relationship bc you're being a bad dom. (;;;・_・)

Like as a sub that's gotta be a top three red flag right there. (;ŏ﹏ŏ)

    Danny !! (✮) March 15, 2025 7:15 am

    Real and when she decided to keep the plug in for an hour or two when it's his first time was kinda crazy and when she randomly slapped him with no warning too, like hello?? Anyway, hopefully it'll get better I'm starving for anything femdom tbh ╥_╥