idk why everyone is so mad about the translator notes, just scroll past them I mean they're the one paying and giving us this for free so no point in complaining, beggers can't be choosers LMAO. I get they're annoying but it really isn't that bad, we're legit on an illegal website. plus its very easy to ignore its not like they're covering the whole chapter with the note that we can't scroll away from like a watermark.
idk why everyone is so mad about the translator notes, just scroll past them I mean they're the one paying and giving us this for free so no point in complaining, beggers can't be choosers LMAO. I get they're annoying but it really isn't that bad, we're legit on an illegal website. plus its very easy to ignore its not like they're covering the whole chapter with the note that we can't scroll away from like a watermark.