It was a good read overall

ZenRyu March 14, 2025 9:36 am

I had pretty low expectations based on the comments but it was better than I thought. It wasn't really romantic or thrilling or anything but it was pretty straight forward and simple. I could tell how Hyeon was gradually getting deeply involved with Yiseon. I could also tell Yiseon's wish from the beginning. So I was pretty satisfied with the ending.

It overall had a pretty melancholic mood. Yiseon was always struggling to live. I could sympathize with him but honestly if your partner keeps dwelling on the past it can get tiring (even frustrating) after some point. You'd feel like you're not enough and that's frustrating. Hyeon actually did a good job bringing Yiseon out of his shell.

Hyeon, although called a psycho by everyone, doesn't harm without reason. Well, he also doesn't help without a reason. A calculative person ever since he was a child. To not be dragged down by people who always wish for your downfall you gotta be at least a bit insane yourself.
