The official English novel series is finished (3 vols). It's licensed by Yen Press under "The Other World's Books Depend on the Bean Counter". Vol 3 releases next week (Mar 18th). Comes in physical and Kindle. Yes it's longer (light novel ver), and yes it's more accurate than the fan-translation (web novel ver).
You can get it off Ama*zon or Book*depository (ships worldwide), or if you're a broke-ass binch, Nyaa has the epubs; but please buy it eventually if you like it. I hope this helps.
The official English novel series is finished (3 vols). It's licensed by Yen Press under "The Other World's Books Depend on the Bean Counter". Vol 3 releases next week (Mar 18th).
Comes in physical and Kindle. Yes it's longer (light novel ver), and yes it's more accurate than the fan-translation (web novel ver).
You can get it off Ama*zon or Book*depository (ships worldwide), or if you're a broke-ass binch, Nyaa has the epubs; but please buy it eventually if you like it. I hope this helps.