okay, so. I'm gonna give my take on this because saying the mc is insane for liking ml is kinda wack. yes, it's toxic to a certain point, but given ceasar's upbringing and the fact he's never actually loved anyone? of course he's gonna be possessive over the one man that gives him that feeling. the character development is amazing in my opinion and there's still a lot of work they have to go through, together.
but, at the end of the day, noncon and toxicity plays a heavy role in this BL so if you choose to give it a chance or skip it entirely due to those topics. that is completely up to you! but that other person. having the story telling go over your head like that is astonishingly moronic. if you want to mischaracterize, do that elsewhere, jeez

No, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with what I said. ceasar is objectively pretty sick, regardless of why he’s sick, he does things that are unacceptable and his moral compass is almost nonexistent. Mc says multiple times that he’s “not normal” in this way. Just because you say his actions may be justified for what he went through, doesn’t make it less toxic.
Also, no way you actually think the character development is “amazing”. There’s hardly any character development to speak of. Oh, Caesar went from entirely batshit crazy to sometimes he seems to listen to mc like a little and his crazy has been transformed into mostly obsession that he takes out physically on mc? And mc likes the rape and thinks his obsession is cute? In what world is that good character development for Ceaser to never admit fault or develop any normalcy into his life to find long term stability and peace from his life of violence and turbulent upbringing? Or for mc to have his standards so far in the gutter that he now just accepts Caesar’s actions? I don’t think I mis-characterized anything. I know you bl fiends get a little thick in the head after reading literally nothing but sex day in and day out, but maybe take a break to work on your literacy and comprehension. I’m not a genius, but I can at least tell that the point of the story is not to have ceasar heal or for mc to “fix him”. It’s just a pseudo plot meant to push the couple together for more “spice” and sex. It’s lazy. “Still a lot of work they have to do” is a major understatement. Ceasar literally slit his own throat when mc said they’d break up, and after he raped mc, he asked if my had anything to say to him, and you know what he told Caesar? He said “I love you”. If you don’t see why that’s madness, there’s really no helping you.
And before you say that’s asking too much, it’s fiction!! At the end of the day it doesn’t really matter or whatever, but if it’s just fiction anyways, why can’t they write that Caesar heals or something over time AND give readers sex scenes? It just doesn’t make sense to me why people choose to incorporate this much toxicity into the main couple, and why people like you can’t at least acknowledged that, no, it is NOT normal, it is NOT acceptable, and it’s NOT cute.

Woah, that's a long paragraph. Poor OP So, I don't think it's cute, acceptable, or normal in any way. Regardless of my views on the story itself, they are still extremely toxic but compared to everything else I've read? I don't know. i think the author does a good job of making it progressively better unlike other stories. COUGH "Jinx" that BL was one of the ones I actually had to drop because it got so bad.
As a side note, I actually went back to some of the other side stories and honestly with all the "happy"ish moments we've recently gotten, I completely just kept it out of my mind how Ceasar kidnapped him and turned into a 13 year old's discord bf You're right.
But anyway, at the end of the day, its just fiction and you're allowed to disagree with me, no harm, no foul. happy reading (=・ω・=)
Debating on what to read next. Is this worth reading? Also is there any non-con between the main couple or a lot of angst? Kinda wanna avoid that rn