I'm following the current updates of the novel, so reading this first meeting with Eruhabe...

Sleep March 14, 2025 4:57 am

I'm following the current updates of the novel, so reading this first meeting with Eruhaben is making me emotional uri Goldie Gramps haaah those were the days~

    JUST BEING ME March 14, 2025 6:05 am

    Can you spoil me regarding Goldie gramps in latest chapters

    Violetdepravity March 14, 2025 6:17 am
    Can you spoil me regarding Goldie gramps in latest chapters JUST BEING ME

    Dang my last read was at 600+ and Cale managed to collect more dragons lol

    Sleep March 14, 2025 6:20 am
    Can you spoil me regarding Goldie gramps in latest chapters JUST BEING ME

    Well in the latest chapters... A major plot point would be eruhaben's age. He's a very very ancient dragon, thus he's coughing up blood. But he eventually decides to extend his life, more like, Cale forced him, and while he was reluctant at first, he finally admitted that being together with his newfound family is something he wants to experience for as long as possible. Also, now... While Cale still talks respectfully to Eruhaben, there was a chapter where Cale was screaming at him (for a valid reason, because of an emergency) and Goldie Gramps was so surprised that he stuttered when he replied to Cale. It was just so cute because Eruhaben almost never stutters.

    Sleep March 14, 2025 6:22 am
    Dang my last read was at 600+ and Cale managed to collect more dragons lol Violetdepravity

    Oh please keep reading! I didn't think the author can make something better, but she did! It's just one twist after another! The second book is a ride!

    JUST BEING ME March 14, 2025 6:54 am
    Oh please keep reading! I didn't think the author can make something better, but she did! It's just one twist after another! The second book is a ride! Sleep

    I'm so sad that I forgot where I left reading last