Evidence against Jean

Reboo March 14, 2025 3:57 am

I have been beyond certain ever since the first interaction with the Prince that it is 100% NOT the Prince. For one, too obvious of a culprit. Secondly, the Prince is extremely open with his promiscuity and doesn't have any reason to sneak around and hide to get it and has now openly invited Eda to have s*x with him TWICE with no shame. Everyone else is putting on a nice facade while clearly having secret desires towards Eda. The Prince never hides that and has even called the three out on not taking care of Eda when he was clearly unwell.

Also I am extremely sure Jean is the culprit. It could be all three, but no matter what I believe it's for sure Jean that's involved regardless.
What do we know about the culprit?
1. He talks like he's known Eda for a long time
2. He has a deeper knowledge of religion than some others would.

Obviously, this fits Jean since he is apart of the church and has known Jean since childhood, though that also fits Lancelot. I think there's better evidence for Jean though.

1. The attacker wears grey robes and in Ch 1 we can see his eye colour and hair, which is amber eyes and hair. Both the clothing and hair/eyes match Jean and his regular attire (it's possible for someone else to steal robes in the building, but theres more than just the robes)

2. Eda asks him Ch 1 if he is "trying to hide that evil", he smirks and says maybe, then Eda eventually says "You lusting after men?! I don't even want to think about it" which he then denies and sweeps under the rug.

3. On the second night, Eda tries to stay awake all night to protect himself. When the bells ring he thinks he's safe and then drinks tea before taking asleep. The teacup is tipped over and spilled implying he literally passed out and dropped his tea. High chance of being drugged. And who is it that knows and practices with all kinds of herbs? Herbs that could be used to put someone to sleep when innocently put into tea? That's right, Jean.

4. There's a secret passage. The Prince knows about it, but who else could know about a passage in the monastery? Someone familiar with the place, who maybe grew up there. This also matches Jean.

5. Jean and Eda were cared for by Father Rafa when they were young. As they grew up, Rafa and Jean fought and there was a huge argument. What did Rafa get upset over enough to basically kick Jean out? Maybe he saw the same dark intentions in Jean that he saw in the priest who tried to do SA a young Eda. Father Rafa could have been protecting Eda from Jean. How convenient Jean HAPPENS to return when Rafa is bedridden and can't do anything to stop him. (Possibly drugged Rafa so he was out of the picture too)

6. The attacker says something like "why didn't I do this sooner?" On the very first day. Which heavily implies he had opportunity to act on that before and never did. Jean is the only person who had been in Eda's life for an extended amount of time that we know of.

Also, not evidence based, but if you think: Man, which character would be most emotionally devastating to find out was your attacker if you are Eda? His long time best friend, Jean.
Anyway that's what I've picked up on throughout this. No matter if it's one person or all three, I fully believe Jean is prime suspect.
