I've just checked the raws too. And yes, that was it. But! It is still way worse in the novel so that's a win. It's seriously bad. In the novel Kay's in fear the whole time. Like in terror.
What I hope doesn't happen is in the novel Kay never develops any feelings for Zigril. He actually despises him. And when he gives birth to their son. Be despises him too because he's just like zigril. It's very miserable

i managed to find a translation of the novel in my mother tongue and boy twas bad like Z was even more psychopathic and narc in the novel and idk if it's the shoddy translation but i feel like there's no chemistry between Kay and Z unlike in the manhwa. well it's more like there's some moment when Z has affection for Kay (and even hate his son for being the third wheel lol what) but Kay seriously has a lot of contempt for Z. i'm also isnt a fan of how the writer wrote female characters, it kinda reeks of internal misogyny. Apparently there's a sequel novel that involves Schumann half brother who is also his lover or sth, and in that novel, due to Z's kinda bad style of managing the kingdom, there're a factor within the court who want to usurp him. Kay and Schuman know about this and are even considering joining? Meanwhile due to Kay's indifference in affection, Z is on a quest to find a mirror that can show a person's true feeling or sth like that. Anw it's a story that middle school me would've enjoyed because my frontal lobe hasnt been fully developed yet but now as an adult reading it? Major yikes lol. The artist of the manhwa here does some heavy lifting for the original novel tbh.
I have read the novel, don't remember how or where sorry but nothing you can't do without some searching! Anyway zigril seems way nicer ! If you think he's bad now, he's way worse in the novel. Some really bad scenes will come up soon but since this has already deviated from the novel hopefully they won't include those scenes