peyton, you have three galleries on your profile that are (almost) entirely images of rape, some are accompanied by notes about how much you enjoy the pictures and want to be in those situations. that is NOT normal, and the fact that you continue to do it and defend it tells me that this “coping mechanism” is not actually helping you, it is keeping you stuck in a moment that hurt you deeply. trauma is not something you “get over”, but you can absolutely grow from it. this behavior is stunting that growth.

are u a therapist? because my own therapist told me that this IS one of the ways people cope, and u should never ever feel ashamed about it. i am part of a lot of communities involving survivors of rape, and this is a very common discussion on there. however, i agree its not a good idea to obsess over it. still, this is a perfectly NORMAL way to cope. just because its not YOUR normal doesn't mean its not normal for us. it is a NORMAL human response. why do u think CNC exists? is that wrong too?

right….. but im not receiving sexual gratification from depictions of sexual violence…. i do not find it hot or romantic…. and i am not going to sit here and defend it as something healthy or beneficial for me. the problem is y’all are feeding into this delusion that these are good for you in some strange way. every manhwa and manga with even a hint of rape or SA could disappear tomorrow and i would be unmoved. yall would seek it out like junkies on crack.

again, i said please don't take me as an example. i agree im not mentally okay, but that doesn't mean all the other people coping this way are in the wrong too. i know I'm a fucking weirdo, but there are also normal people who indulge in this kink, lets not shame them and pretend we know what's better for them. that's all im saying. i never tried to justify MYSELF, thats what OP tried to make it seem like i was doing

do you also tell your therapist you get in heated arguments online defending it and get pretty obviously upset about people insulting it? because i dont think your therapist would call that healthy. and if they did, i would recommend finding a new one, specifically one who doesn’t feed into your trauma. theres also a big difference between the choices you make in your bedroom and the industry you support to create more and more rape-slop to please you.

this is my first time getting into an argument. i shouldn't have done that i agree, should've minded my own business. Idk how u think I'm supporting the industry though? all i did was create albums for myself, never promoted the albums everywhere. never paid a penny to any of the creators. did everything on an illegal website. idk how im promoting it. please tell me if im wrong and ill stop doing that

i brought up others because i want u to know that there are people who indulge in this kink in a healthy way. there's cnc, a lot of them write rape fantasies. which i know sounds very weird. i know u guys think what im doing is very unhealthy, but from the beginning of this convo i never talked about myself. i just wanted to make a point about other more normal survivors
I like BL, but there’s a limit to it. The genre itself isn’t the problem, but the way people romanticize toxic relationships, abuse, and even Stockholm syndrome is seriously messed up. And let’s be honest, calling it a “coping mechanism” is just lying to yourself. If you’re enjoying stories that glorify rape and manipulation, you’re not coping — you’re just horny. And if you really think consuming that kind of content is helping you, maybe it’s time to see a therapist instead of hiding behind this excuse. At the end of the day, normalizing this stuff only makes the BL community look worse. You can enjoy BL without supporting the toxic side of it.(anyways writing MORE cus why not)