Yohansbigtoe March 13, 2025 11:36 pm

I like BL, but there’s a limit to it. The genre itself isn’t the problem, but the way people romanticize toxic relationships, abuse, and even Stockholm syndrome is seriously messed up. And let’s be honest, calling it a “coping mechanism” is just lying to yourself. If you’re enjoying stories that glorify rape and manipulation, you’re not coping — you’re just horny. And if you really think consuming that kind of content is helping you, maybe it’s time to see a therapist instead of hiding behind this excuse. At the end of the day, normalizing this stuff only makes the BL community look worse. You can enjoy BL without supporting the toxic side of it.(anyways writing MORE cus why not)

    Yohansbigtoe March 14, 2025 2:38 am
    bitch stfu iluv

    is this the only thing you can say embarrassing how about you stfu you must like rape huh?

    Yohansbigtoe March 14, 2025 2:40 am
    yknow. yall weird as fuck man. yall just want perfect SA victims. yall dont get that when one half of rape victims are repulsed by anything sexual, the other half becomes hypersexual. this leads to kinks, fetis... peyton

    BYE WHO SAID THAT Your embarrassing yourself. This is crazy how you think that it’s okay like I said just admit you like rape

    Yohansbigtoe March 14, 2025 2:41 am
    yknow. yall weird as fuck man. yall just want perfect SA victims. yall dont get that when one half of rape victims are repulsed by anything sexual, the other half becomes hypersexual. this leads to kinks, fetis... peyton

    Butt hurt over the fact you got caught liking rape atp you got a lot to say just look at those’d alubms you made it embarrassing how you have that up better mske it private anyone could see that and think you so sicko.

    Yohansbigtoe March 14, 2025 2:44 am
    Butt hurt over the fact you got caught liking rape atp you got a lot to say just look at those’d alubms you made it embarrassing how you have that up better mske it private anyone could see that and think you... Yohansbigtoe

    Anyways the bitches who are hating on my comment just admitting they like rape and you know y’all are fucking nasty! Just putting a thumbs down on this comment says a lot about you!

    peyton March 14, 2025 2:44 am
    Butt hurt over the fact you got caught liking rape atp you got a lot to say just look at those’d alubms you made it embarrassing how you have that up better mske it private anyone could see that and think you... Yohansbigtoe

    why would i make them private? i WAS raped. i WAS sexually assaulted as a kid. i DO still have rape fantasies. i DO read rape in fiction, because that's MY way of dissociating. its my way of thinking, oh so it wasnt really that bad. i never forced it down anyones throat? i never told other people to cope the same way? why r u so pressed on how i cope with my own trauma?

    iluv March 14, 2025 2:46 am
    is this the only thing you can say embarrassing how about you stfu you must like rape huh? Yohansbigtoe

    no ur take is just garbage and has been said by so many ppl that its getting annoying now. js cus ppl read rape in fiction, doesn't mean they actually agree with the action itself.
    also the thing u said abt how its not a valid coping mechanism is weird... it literally is. stop being an asshole. if u don't like rape in stories then just ignore it, nobody wants to hear ur dumbass opinion.

    iluv March 14, 2025 2:46 am
    BYE WHO SAID THAT Your embarrassing yourself. This is crazy how you think that it’s okay like I said just admit you like rape Yohansbigtoe

    whats wrong w ur ass

    summer2000 March 14, 2025 2:55 am

    this type of post genuinely never fails to get like a minimum of 5 replies either agreeing or saying kill yourself

    Yohansbigtoe March 14, 2025 3:00 am
    whats wrong w ur ass iluv

    keep it up this I lwky entertainment for me

    Yohansbigtoe March 14, 2025 3:01 am
    no ur take is just garbage and has been said by so many ppl that its getting annoying now. js cus ppl read rape in fiction, doesn't mean they actually agree with the action itself. also the thing u said abt how... iluv

    who said I every read them you must read them cus you must know ALOT about it like I said if you like rape or stockholm syndrome just say it’s embarrassing

    Yohansbigtoe March 14, 2025 3:02 am
    this type of post genuinely never fails to get like a minimum of 5 replies either agreeing or saying kill yourself summer2000

    iluv March 14, 2025 3:05 am
    who said I every read them you must read them cus you must know ALOT about it like I said if you like rape or stockholm syndrome just say it’s embarrassing Yohansbigtoe

    then y come on here & make this post in the first place? js keep ur opinions to urself man. u think js cus u said all this bs that ppl r gonna stop reading stories w that type of content in it? no, they r not.

    Yohansbigtoe March 14, 2025 3:06 am
    this type of post genuinely never fails to get like a minimum of 5 replies either agreeing or saying kill yourself summer2000

    Im still waiting for the kys one lwky

    iluv March 14, 2025 3:06 am

    u js wanna come on here to make fun of ppl who r alrdy troubled cus ur a bully

    peyton March 14, 2025 3:12 am

    i just wanna say one last thing. i know I'm not a good person. i know I'm messed up in the head, mentally ill, i wanna kill myself too. i try to change but this is who i am. this is an anonymous website, its the only place where i can somewhat express my thoughts and desires. i can never do that irl. i will never do that irl. i just wanna say, please dont judge all SA survivors based on me. im probably the worst of the bunch. i deal with my trauma in ways that maybe normal people dont. but there are others like me too. i have met them, i have talked to them. just please, they're not all like me though. they're nice people, just stuck with these disgusting thoughts. please dont make them feel worse than they already do. i dont care about myself, but i do care a lot about others who are in the same boat as me. please have more empathy for them. they're not hurting anyone. I'm sorry if i hurt u though.

    Me_for_ president March 14, 2025 3:14 am

    All I have to say is, I agree with you and everyone on here is a block list. The only thing I’m gonna say is it is not a healthy coping mechanism and not normal to enjoy reading about someone getting brutally raped or pedophilia even if it’s fiction. If you read rape or shota I need you 100 meters away from me. Let’s not try to normalize rape kinks because it’s not a normal thing. I’m gonna want you guys to shout in public or in school that you like reading gay men getting raped or sexual depiction of children and see how that goes highly doubt people are gonna think it’s normal and say oh it’s just fiction. They’re gonna think you’re weird and something‘s wrong with you because you wanna know why it’s not normal or okay and shouldn’t be normalized :)

    Yohansbigtoe March 14, 2025 3:15 am
    no ur take is just garbage and has been said by so many ppl that its getting annoying now. js cus ppl read rape in fiction, doesn't mean they actually agree with the action itself. also the thing u said abt how... iluv

    get a grip on reality boo you must not know what a coping mechanism is maybe search it up before saying shit? Like sybau

    summer2000 March 14, 2025 3:15 am
    yknow. yall weird as fuck man. yall just want perfect SA victims. yall dont get that when one half of rape victims are repulsed by anything sexual, the other half becomes hypersexual. this leads to kinks, fetis... peyton

    nobody is “killing” yall omg they were just making a point about how the amount of specifically BL stories containing rape and SA is concerning, and that just because a behavior spawns from a traumatic event does not mean it is helpful or healing. consistently and sometimes obsessively reading stories centered around rape and SA that are portrayed in a glorified manner is likely not a positive long term coping mechanism. and i promise you the people writing these are not all victims themselves either, most of them just genuinely find it hot to see men raping each other with zero nuance for the situation they’re depicting. i mean, how do you think gay communities in japan and korea feel seeing the majority of the depictions of their relationships in media through sexual violence? that definitely is not benefitting the sexual predator stereotype for gay men, and it’s being perpetuated by straight women.
    i empathize with you and other people in similar circumstances, but it’s also important for you to think about the bigger picture, and who this hurts on a larger scale.

    Yohansbigtoe March 14, 2025 3:18 am
    nobody is “killing” yall omg they were just making a point about how the amount of specifically BL stories containing rape and SA is concerning, and that just because a behavior spawns from a traumatic eve... summer2000

    I agree with you fully. Like respectful.

    Me_for_ president March 14, 2025 3:19 am
    nobody is “killing” yall omg they were just making a point about how the amount of specifically BL stories containing rape and SA is concerning, and that just because a behavior spawns from a traumatic eve... summer2000

    Say it louder for the people in the back!!!!