hey. you're right about everything u said except. people do cope with their trauma this way. i'm a survivor of csa and rape, and i'm into some pretty, pretty messed up shit. i agree with everyone who says im not right in the head. i've been through therapy too. but the thing is, i'm not enforcing my pov on anyone. this is something i indulge in by myself. i know its sick, but it IS how i cope. i wish i wasnt this way either. however, for u to dismiss all trauma survivors by saying its not a correct way to cope with things is wrong. and very very insensitive. as long as it is not further deteriorating things for u, its a perfectly fine way to cope. it allows me to channel my feelings through fiction, so that i can act more normal irl. hope this helps.

yeah. honestly idrc i've heard enough shit in my life. but there are a lot of people who have been, at one point, gone through some sort of sexual assault and do end up developing these "kinks", and they do care about what people think. most of them deal with a lot of shame and disgust, and these feelings never really go away. u end up blaming yourself. u end up harming yourself. i've been through that myself. seeing comments like these never helps.

Some people who’ve been through dark shit, like CSA and rape, cope in ways others don’t understand — like dark fiction or BL content. It’s not about enforcing that mindset on others, it’s about finding a way to deal with the pain and act normal in real life. But let’s be real, some people use “coping” as an excuse to avoid facing their own issues and just feel better about themselves. There’s a fine line between healing and hiding, and not everyone gets that.

First of all, who would actually say that to an SA survivor… like, be for real. Coping through dark fiction or BL can be a way to process trauma without hurting yourself or others, and honestly, that’s no one’s business. But at the same time, you have to ask yourself — is this actually helping me heal, or am I just avoiding my pain? Coping is valid, but some people hide behind it to avoid accountability or stay stuck in the same cycle. And truthfully, I don’t think you know much about SA victims, and neither do I, so really… you can’t say shit, can you?

it is coping actually! u think that's weird huh? did u know that there are SA survivors who are into cnc? would u say they're fetishizing rape by reenacting the scenarios? do u know there are SA survivors who actually go out and rape bait? as in look for people to rape them again? what would u call them, i wonder? i made an album and you're freaking out. this is an album FOR ME. FOR ME, who has been through it.

Love liers anyways keep reading your wack ass smut that’ll help you cope or whatever stop got some problem and I looked at ur profile you got a lot to say just say you like rape? like your albums say a lot about you like gangrape and rape but make it hot let’s not forget drunk/druggedbittches something is clearly wrong with it ho

i wasn't here to justify myself. ik im messed up. but bitch dont u ever dare tell another SA survivor they're not valid. they're valid for whatever feelings they have. they're valid for whatever actions they take without harming others. I've seen too many people go because people like u dont understand that healing is not a linear journey. we do messed up shit because it was done to us. u dont get to have a say in it.

It is a polarized topic for sure lol. But I agree with you.
If you want to deal with dark and psychological themes such as r@pe, SA, or even Stockholm syndrome in BL that's fine. But show it as it is without romanticizing it, you know.
I totally loathed falling in love with your r@pist tropes. And unfortunately, they are the most famous BLs that you see in the featured manga. Plus it has a large fandom too.

yknow. yall weird as fuck man. yall just want perfect SA victims. yall dont get that when one half of rape victims are repulsed by anything sexual, the other half becomes hypersexual. this leads to kinks, fetishes and behaviors u never thought could come from u. u seek closure in the very places that hurt u. why do u think people go back to their abusers? yall will kill anyone who doesn't fit ur mold of the perfect victim. you're the same people who will read thousands of chapters of men fucking each other, but will call rape survivors rape fetishizers. please never speak again.
I like BL, but there’s a limit to it. The genre itself isn’t the problem, but the way people romanticize toxic relationships, abuse, and even Stockholm syndrome is seriously messed up. And let’s be honest, calling it a “coping mechanism” is just lying to yourself. If you’re enjoying stories that glorify rape and manipulation, you’re not coping — you’re just horny. And if you really think consuming that kind of content is helping you, maybe it’s time to see a therapist instead of hiding behind this excuse. At the end of the day, normalizing this stuff only makes the BL community look worse. You can enjoy BL without supporting the toxic side of it.(anyways writing MORE cus why not)