I don't know but I feel like this is a nightmare he is having. The author kept on zooming in on the smoke before the king came in so I feel like the smoke was drugged and he pass out. I think he's being kidnapped. so either way or he's not having a good time. poor guy is never catching a break until he succumbs to Stockholm syndrome.
Heh I don’t think it’s a dream this time, he’s being pushed to it’s limits and he’s desperate… he’ll regret it so much after this, poor him ÙwÚ♡
AHA even that idea is pretty solid too either way i don’t want him to fall for him cs he’s desperate! but i am excited to see the result of all of this
I don't know but I feel like this is a nightmare he is having. The author kept on zooming in on the smoke before the king came in so I feel like the smoke was drugged and he pass out. I think he's being kidnapped.
so either way or he's not having a good time. poor guy is never catching a break until he succumbs to Stockholm syndrome.