He's a cheater? and he pretend to be innocent, when, well, it's completely the other way around. He knows that seme loves him and still keeps flying in every direction. Who in their right mind would look for thrills while practically in a relationship?
K, plot is some sort of problem and these friends are a cheaters but we actually have a point of view on how they're behaving now. Twink is just so annoyinggg.
This could be threesome, just please, i want him to change

uhhhmmm okay..?? why are we pretending seme isnt a cheater too? and from what i remember he’s worse than the twink lol, bc when they’re in a relationship they take some distance but seme cheats on all his partners with twinkie, and he even asks him "why date if you’re gonna cheat on them?" idk i think it’s a little hypocritical to hate on him for that, i mean this bl is obviously meant to be toxic atleast somewhat, seme isn’t a greenflag, so why hate on the twink when he’s JUST like seme also he doesnt rlly pretend to be innocent nanjo is js in denial

I don't mean their past, but the current plot. Even now twink cheated on him when they went to the hotel.
Instead of telling nanjo directly "i love rough sex", he asked for a threesome And he ofc showed him what he likes but why when he does it with a third person ?
Alsoo when they have first meeting in chapter 2?3? , twink behaved completely different from how he normally behaves with MC(white hair). He even dresses differently.

question isn't why is seonhwa hated but why isn't mokyeon hated as much. they're both disrespectful and cynical at the end of the day so what changes? the answer seems to be their roles and personas.
the main couple seems to be mokyeon/nanjo. mokyeon's the mc people are pushed to empathize with and root for. mokyeon wants nanjo like the audience, so seonwha just feels like a dead weight in all this. mokyeon's the mc so people wanna believe he'll go through some growth so they downplay his bad traits. their fwb dynamics disrupts the mokyeon/nanjo thing so seonwha ends up having a antagonist role by only existing. also the fwb thing is uninteresting for some people, and it's the initial state of the narrative so many people just want it to be over quickly.
moreover mokyeon has the charismatic persona going on, whereas seonhwa's bratty and all, making it easier for people to villainize him while downplaying mokyeon's bad traits. I myself don't care at all for seonhwa and just see him as catalyst for mokyeon/nanjo lol.

I think this is about their image, how they act tbh mokyeon dont hide his true behaviour, he is driven by desire and only that. At the moment, he doesn't see himself in any romantic relationship with ML. And twink, when he is currently in a relationship, continues to behave the same way as in their briefly shown past.
Idk i dont like the two of them. They act shitty and I read it mainly because I'm curious about the plot
twink is just one of those characters that i usually don't like and i stop reading the series because of them, whether they are the mc or the antagonist

yeah, so seonwha and mokyeon are both detestable. but the narrative frames mokyeon in a more interesting light because he's the mc. what's more, as you said seonhwa is inherently an archetype many find off-putting. even if he hadn't manipulated nanjo, many would still hate him. he's emotionally closed, cynical and bratty which pisses many people off. but he doesn't even provide much except hot sex scenes which... we don't need him for anymore.
and yeah the plot is so interesting hehe. They're all weird and toxic to some degree, so might as well make go all the way and make it creative. I hope they pull off some novel narrative move and not old boring jealousy cure or "sudden romantic realization after sex
am i the only one who likes the twink? LMFAOOO. idk why everyone seems to hate him. their threesome was hot af, though i want to see nanjo and white hair guy get it on alreadyyyy i love this trope so mf much