Has anyone here have relationship with older men or younger than them... I did once and he...

Anya March 13, 2025 8:24 pm

Has anyone here have relationship with older men or younger than them... I did once and he's 40... Why am I so attracted to elder men. It's just a date tho, not like getting married

    Grital March 13, 2025 11:20 pm

    Not personally but I knew a couple people. It’s not that it never works out, but personally while I can see why the younger person might me attracted, it’s a little creepy how the older one can be. As I get older the more weird I find dating younger weird (obv I mean a decent gap, not 2/3 years), you realise how much of a child 18,20,23 etc is to older ages and wonder how people can think about someone that way without feeling like you’re taking advantage

    TaetaeCollarbone March 14, 2025 6:52 pm

    I'm sorry but being attracted to a man my dad's age is incredibly weird to me.