Yapping the yap

Thug March 13, 2025 10:59 pm

I’m 90% sure that the guy Seo-in kissed in the flashback isn’t his brother but the freckles guy in chapter 25 who followed him to YW’s house. He’s also in the latest chapter (the kid getting bullied) + Weirdly enough, I realized that their friendship is a trio since there is a panel where they hung out at Seo-in’s house (I previously thought it was his brother but nah). He seems obsessed with Seo-in in particular and the fact I mistook him as the brother while casually reading says a lot about the pseudo incest thing in YW’s pov (it’s not, although Seo-in did mirror what his brother did with YW lol). I believe this ‘friend’ worsened YW’s bullying while Seo-in was abroad because the brother couldn’t touch YW in the past no matter how pissed off he is of YW. I’m guessing he became Seo-in’s stand-in for his constant harassment while he was away.

YW’s breaking point might’ve been when Seo-in’s mother paid his father the hush money. It was the talk of the town how he upped and left his father with this “money”. It’s been brought up multiple times how YW gets pushed around almost all the time but he can grow a backbone if it comes to it (i.e., being a runaway and working for a thug). He might’ve paid the money to the uncle directly since his father is just going to waste it away on gambling. The remaining debt would be paid off by working under the syndicate (I mean this might be a reach but no one can guess what 10 yrs can do to you- add to the fact that YW quit school(?) and has experience in judo). He could’ve afforded therapy and medication with that job. Now, they didn’t explicitly say when the brother died but there’s this one panel in chapter 2 where he got beat up by YW, might’ve been when he was a thug lol. Moreover, YW’s ‘debt’ to the uncle MIGHT be related to breaking his ties off with them, giving him a chance to start over again.

Ah and the uncle and Seo-in already met in the past. His biological parents owed the loansharks the uncle works with much like YW’s father. We’ll get his backstory soon for sure.

Lastly, I’m confused asf about the school violence dirt that Hae-yool got on Seo-in. Did he take the fall for his brother? And how was there a school violence committee when the father took the hush money? Did one of his victims fessed up? And how did that crackhead brother of his died lolol and why does their cousin blame Seo-in for it

    Thug March 13, 2025 8:31 pm

    Damn I wrote a long one tf

    koko♡ March 13, 2025 10:50 pm

    i love smart people

    Thug March 14, 2025 12:40 am

    Gee ty

    kkkkk March 14, 2025 1:24 am

    how r u so sure its that freckles guy, genuinely asking im curious bcs all this time i gen thought its his brother

    Thug March 14, 2025 8:13 am
    how r u so sure its that freckles guy, genuinely asking im curious bcs all this time i gen thought its his brother kkkkk

    The friend dissuaded Seo-in from finding yw saying “he has no right” and his hair sort of matches the one in the flashback butttt there’s still a possibility that the brother emotionally manipulated Seo-in to kiss him in front of yw if he found out what the two are doing behind closed doors- I mean he tried to shove his face to Seo-in once. He’s sick like that.

    I’m mostly convinced since I mistook the brother as the friend from other panels. It looked intentional to me or maybe not.