I honestly just feel a lil bit bad for mc cause he feels just alil bit autistic coded, with the fact of not being able to read the room or be able to understand of what he did hurt someone without someone pointing it out to him.
I don't really think he's an arrogant narcissist rather just a aloof guy that grew up with poor socialization skills/understanding due to his father being the worst father of the year (like who tf just brings their toddler to a place like that?????)
I honestly just feel a lil bit bad for mc cause he feels just alil bit autistic coded, with the fact of not being able to read the room or be able to understand of what he did hurt someone without someone pointing it out to him.
I don't really think he's an arrogant narcissist rather just a aloof guy that grew up with poor socialization skills/understanding due to his father being the worst father of the year (like who tf just brings their toddler to a place like that?????)