The angst made me cry which proved it’s good ‘cause i do not cry easily lmao. I sort of wish they didn’t merge and sort of wish they did, I guess I understand how dongjae feels, i’d really miss taeoh if he’s gone but also i wonder what it’d be like if they merge together? I guess it’ll be taejun being flirty sometimes or something along that line. I didn’t expect myself to enjoy this but i really do, wish there were more
The angst made me cry which proved it’s good ‘cause i do not cry easily lmao. I sort of wish they didn’t merge and sort of wish they did, I guess I understand how dongjae feels, i’d really miss taeoh if he’s gone but also i wonder what it’d be like if they merge together? I guess it’ll be taejun being flirty sometimes or something along that line. I didn’t expect myself to enjoy this but i really do, wish there were more