He has…

Judychan March 13, 2025 12:29 pm

Dan has severe mental health issues. People are clearly are wild to conclude he has cancer.

Dan looks like he has insomnia which can lead to sleepwalking. People who suffer from sleeping disorders can have stress and depression. We know Dan has both. Dan is suffering from abandonment issues since he was a child. How is it that people do not treat depression as a life threatening disease is beyond me. We know Dan has suicidal tendencies since he’s prone to walk into the ocean and ending all his pain.

His depression comes from both JK and his grandma. His quality of life is in the shitter. Iam surprise he’s holding on this long without offing himself. Dans life was in the crapper before he met JK. I mean he was almost sexually assaulted by a disgusting POS boss. He couldn’t find a job with his skills. He was living in a shithole. Loan sharks were on his ass. He had the stress of paying grandma’s hospital bills.

People who think JK is the worst forget the other POS in his life. Dan’s life was no cakewalks. People need to stop waxing poetically about Dan as if he’s had it good before he met JK. JK is a bad egg but in some respect, he’s made Dan’s life better. He didn’t have the stress of not being able to pay grandma’s bills. He didn’t have to live in a shithole. He didn’t have to deal with loan sharks on his ass all the time. He had a respectable career taking care of JK. If sex was the trade off. It was Dan who consented to be in this kind of situationship. There is a reason why he was disgusted with the boss sexually assaulting him and why he isn’t with JK. The sex situationship might not be good for Dan but it’s a trade off. Believe it or not this is how most relationships and marriages are. This whole idea of having the perfect boyfriend who never f*cks up is some imaginary Disneyfied fairly tail that doesn’t exist in Real life.

    Evilteddybear March 13, 2025 12:37 pm

    Staying with an abusive partner because of poverty certainly is a "trade off" that far too many people have to deal with in real life. Providing for your partner monetarily doesn't make it okay to abuse them though. When Dan asked for emotional investment JK refused anyway so he's not Dan's boyfriend to begin with.

    Nen March 13, 2025 12:41 pm

    So you think that being forced to trade sex for basic comforts of life like having a bed to sleep in and not being chased by debt collectors is how MOST RELATIONSHIPS AND MARRIAGES are????? Good lord

    misterchan March 13, 2025 12:50 pm

    well the last part i really disagree.

    “dan consented to be in this kind of situationship” ur right to a certain extent. if a prostitute said they didn’t want to do it and u still did it that’s rape. monetary reasons doesn’t make it any less what it is.

    consent can be withdrawn at any time. you cannot just buy the right to rape someone.

    don’t worry kim dan was and is disgusted with the sex. he complies with it. yeah at some point he liked jaekyung and actually liked it but not anymore

    to insinuate that relationships and marriages are bound by a contract or like prostitution or monetary exchange for sex or where consenting once means u consent forever is scary and false. idk what ur statement is trying to do

    yeah in reality people rape people but normal people do not rape others. that is not just a simply fuck up one can take so lightly

    Sakura March 13, 2025 12:54 pm

    Well said mate

    •ERZA• March 13, 2025 1:17 pm


    thisislele March 13, 2025 1:24 pm

    “This whole idea of having the perfect boyfriend who never f*cks up is some imaginary Disneyfied fairly tail that doesn’t exist in Real life.”
    you are stupid as fuck. stop trying to justify jk’s abuse and rape towards dan just bc dan has suffered more previously. real relationships are not complying with rape in exchange for shelter (not to say it’s never happened ever). nobody is making it out like dan had it better before jk you’re just dumb. we’ve moved past that part of the story and dan still has a shitty life now thanks to jk. i hope you get out of that relationship you’re trying to justify to yourself through a shitty webtoon.

    ErroresDeLas3am March 13, 2025 1:28 pm

    I mean, he didn't have much of a choice on the consent part to begin with. JK said, that first time: do it or don't, but gtfo if u don't.
    And Dan NEEDED the money.
    That is not consent in my books, he was pushed to a point where saying No meant more problem for him in the future. He was obligated, albeit indirectly or not explicitly, to accept it.
    And he said he didn't like it, to stop ot slow down mamy times and Jaegeng never heard him out or his needs.
    So yeah, I wouldn't say it is a "good trade".

    And we can day that the only times Dan actually enjoyed the sex was when his needs were also met, when he was heard, or when he was literally drugged. :/

    I agree somewhat with what you've said prior to those statements, tho. And no one can say Dan was better off before JK, of course, but he was left hollow after. His basic needs were met, but his mental health and his emotions where completely disregarded, and those are very, very important too.

    ErroresDeLas3am March 13, 2025 1:30 pm
    well the last part i really disagree.“dan consented to be in this kind of situationship” ur right to a certain extent. if a prostitute said they didn’t want to do it and u still did it that’s rape. mo... misterchan

    Amen to this.
    All the languages in the world and you speak in truth.