Yeah ahjussi is a dick and super childish but this chapter was so fricken CRINGE!! Harang, confiding in the guy you know has a thing for you is a recipe for disaster bfr please. And that other guy gives me the absolute ick like ugh you’re not funny or knowledgeable sir you make me die inside because your remarks are so trashy and fake. Like is it not obvious what he’s trying to do or am I just being a hater???!! And why would Harang just sit there and say nothing, you know ahjussi is gonna get the wrong idea.. Yes he needs to realise he’s an asshole but her just sitting there hiding in her hoodie was so lame.. Acting all scared when she’s just embarrassed omg the miscommunication is driving me INSANE, Harang in her one sided relationship and ahjussi not realising his feelings is driving me INSANEEEEEEE
Yeah ahjussi is a dick and super childish but this chapter was so fricken CRINGE!! Harang, confiding in the guy you know has a thing for you is a recipe for disaster bfr please. And that other guy gives me the absolute ick like ugh you’re not funny or knowledgeable sir you make me die inside because your remarks are so trashy and fake. Like is it not obvious what he’s trying to do or am I just being a hater???!! And why would Harang just sit there and say nothing, you know ahjussi is gonna get the wrong idea.. Yes he needs to realise he’s an asshole but her just sitting there hiding in her hoodie was so lame.. Acting all scared when she’s just embarrassed omg the miscommunication is driving me INSANE, Harang in her one sided relationship and ahjussi not realising his feelings is driving me INSANEEEEEEE