
Killugon May 20, 2017 12:19 pm

Such a shame, tg was my favourite and now I feel like burning all my merch. I hate Ishida for forcing this god awful ship. :re was a mistake

    Bambee May 20, 2017 12:34 pm

    Can i ask what ship you're talking about? :>

    Hidekane May 20, 2017 12:46 pm
    Can i ask what ship you're talking about? :> @Bambee

    Obviously Touken, the last thing this manga needed was romance. Touka wasn't even there for Kaneki, in fact she hated him but now she suddenly hops on his dick when he was in the middle of talking about missing hide? And Kaneki just went with it?? Hide actually risked his life for Kaneki when he infiltrated the CCG & did everything for him but somehow forcing this ship is more important than that. Ofc they had to put a sex scene here to increase sales simply bc Touka is a popular character, other than that this ship doesn't make a sense at all. I'm really done with it, such a shame I put so many years into TG expecting something good and got this bullshit, tg:re has been predictable and boring for a few months which is really a shame bc it had a lot of potential (until they killed off Arima and made Kaneki OP for what?)

    mynameisnicole May 20, 2017 12:59 pm
    Obviously Touken, the last thing this manga needed was romance. Touka wasn't even there for Kaneki, in fact she hated him but now she suddenly hops on his dick when he was in the middle of talking about missing... Hidekane

    I want to like this but it seems like I cant ( ̄へ ̄)

    Hidekane May 20, 2017 1:10 pm
    I want to like this but it seems like I cant ( ̄へ ̄) mynameisnicole

    At least one person agrees

    Neko May 20, 2017 1:25 pm

    I agree, too.

    Anonymous May 20, 2017 3:07 pm

    Burning your merch, woah. Well reading your username, makes sense.

    ♥~Zerxz~♥ May 20, 2017 3:08 pm


    Anonymous May 20, 2017 3:11 pm

    Agreed. I feel Touka is kind of abusive (hitting Kaneki), and was never properly there when he needed it. I can only count 2 times she was there for him.

    I honesty didn't want romance in Tokyo ghoul re, nor the first season of the manga. The romance just completely ruined it for me. I don't have anything against the ship nor shippers, but I'd much rather have Kaneki be single. I much prefer the first season of the manga, this chapter (I'm sorry) just made me f*cking hate Tokyo ghoul re.

    I'm still gonna be a fan and continue reading, but I'm feeling very conflicted emotions about this chapter. Would of preferred if no one was canon with Kaneki.

    I came here for tragedy, action and shit. Not a sex scene between Kaneki and Touka making me feel extremely uncomfortable. I'm not into that stuff, so that made it 100x worse.

    Sorry it's long, I'm just happy I could agree and share my opinion with someone.