The hate on jaekyung seems so forced

Iveessd March 13, 2025 8:46 am

The hate on jaekyung seems so forced

    Iveessd March 13, 2025 8:51 am

    Dont get me wrong i hate the dude too but yall hate him for his personality only. Jiwon, taeju and seungho did almost the same thing as jjk but yall just let it slide coz they got better in the end.

    Hanako-kun March 13, 2025 8:55 am
    Dont get me wrong i hate the dude too but yall hate him for his personality only. Jiwon, taeju and seungho did almost the same thing as jjk but yall just let it slide coz they got better in the end. Iveessd

    Exactly!!! Like the authors work is the same relationship as the last Manhwa she did. Yes he’s a shit bag but the author knows what she’s doing, BJ Alex is huge and has the same relationship dynamic and he’s not hated

    Akira778 March 13, 2025 8:56 am
    Dont get me wrong i hate the dude too but yall hate him for his personality only. Jiwon, taeju and seungho did almost the same thing as jjk but yall just let it slide coz they got better in the end. Iveessd

    "Jiwon, taeju and seungho " Who are these...

    ReviewRaptor March 13, 2025 9:09 am

    If you honestly see nothing hateable about his personality you need therapy my dude.

    Hanako-kun March 13, 2025 1:24 pm
    If you honestly see nothing hateable about his personality you need therapy my dude. ReviewRaptor

    It’s not that he’s not hateable, he’s a dirtbag. But it’s that this author has successfully made a character go from hateable to really popular. I think they’ve probably taken it a step too far this time, but at the same time he’s a fictional character, who cares? Seungho from painter of the night was scum but he became one of the best love interest in manhwa

    ReviewRaptor March 13, 2025 2:34 pm
    It’s not that he’s not hateable, he’s a dirtbag. But it’s that this author has successfully made a character go from hateable to really popular. I think they’ve probably taken it a step too far this t... Hanako-kun

    Just because he's fictional doesn't mean people will not care.
    It's the way Mingwa just refuses to even just inch forward towards any sort of character developement, instead getting progressively worse with how JJ acts given we are shown hints of there being a light at the horizon but then Mingwa immediately going back to noping the fuck outta that. And this happens constantly as of late.
    That's why saying the hate for the character seems 'forced' when each chapter is basically adding a new reason is nonsensical to me.

    Taking other characters as reference is something I stopped doing tbh.
    Many characters are the exact same, but some authors can simply not be bothered to put in effort in making them detailed and have an actual character developement. Instead it's usually: all of a sudden going from a slow pace to BAM, here, they are good now, all is forgiven, happy ending, done. Have some more sex secnes.
    I have seen that SO many times now, it's worrisome. XD

    I'd hate for this to be another waste of great art, so I'm hoping there will be actual progress for JJ. It's great we get at least some progress for Dan tho, that makes me hopeful the story is just generally slow paced (it IS tagged as Slice of Life) and we will infact get a good ending. (  ̄∇ ̄)b

    Iveessd March 14, 2025 7:56 am
    "Jiwon, taeju and seungho " Who are these... Akira778

    Jiwon is from bj alex, seungho from painter of the night and taeju from low tide in twilight