guys i’m a bit too attached to lucas - - - - - so yes, i got teary eyed reading the spo...

ten March 13, 2025 5:14 am

guys i’m a bit too attached to lucas
so yes, i got teary eyed reading the spoilers what do you mean, he loved mc and found comfort in the letters that she’d write back. he was in poor health as a child and many people would write to him and in return, he would write back pleasantly. during that time, he assigned a colour ink to people. vincent’s was gold. he knew vincent couldn’t read the letters but he’d still send them out for his own peace of mind so he knew it wasn’t vincent writing back. WHAT DO YOU MEAN he told ethan to give his eyes to vincent on his deathbed because he felt like it was his fault that he was blinded. WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE of ALL people dies??? he already had a frail constitution so couldn’t survive the assassination attempt. WHAT DO YOU MEAN vincent said in the novel that it was amazing how beautiful the world looked through lucas's eyes and the most beautiful part was paula since lucas would always say she was beautiful and now he was able to affirm that through HIS eyes. even when vincent (through no fault of his own) would and did think that alisha COULD be paula because of the description paula gave of her being a beauty and it took him time to find the answer. man, luca is just that guy fr. he liked mc, without caring about her appearance and was just so attentive without asking for anything back. there is some woeful poetic feel to the fact that though lucas is no longer with them, his eyes still reflect paula’s. but yeah, after all that selflessness, i wish he was given the chance to be an mc at least in his story, he freaking deserves it. it’s such a pity that he’s a second ml. HE’S ML MATERIAL, like he did the MOST??

    ten March 13, 2025 5:16 am

    sorry because i literally love vincent and YET it still kills me

    ten March 13, 2025 5:18 am

    i’m legit half asleep writing this, it’s 5am so excuse how badly this was written

    Babydolluvv March 13, 2025 5:38 am

    this ruined my night

    ten March 13, 2025 6:32 pm

    sorry bae ruined my whole week

    myuii March 14, 2025 11:30 am

    You literally make me crying from the spoiler