bye this chapter was straight booty and im choosing peace and dropping this story. but i really can’t understand why yall gagging over jaekyung doing the bare minimum. like the fact that he’s only taking dan to the hospital after TWO suicide attempts only bcuz dans grandma said so (and don’t forget he only approached her with bad intentions) and because he has feelings for dan. like that’s the saddest shit ever man. like if he didn’t have feelings for dan he would really let that man die cuz he doesn’t even have basic empathy for dan as another person. like idk how you “redeem” this and that’s why i quit!
bye this chapter was straight booty and im choosing peace and dropping this story. but i really can’t understand why yall gagging over jaekyung doing the bare minimum. like the fact that he’s only taking dan to the hospital after TWO suicide attempts only bcuz dans grandma said so (and don’t forget he only approached her with bad intentions) and because he has feelings for dan. like that’s the saddest shit ever man. like if he didn’t have feelings for dan he would really let that man die cuz he doesn’t even have basic empathy for dan as another person. like idk how you “redeem” this and that’s why i quit!