My mind keeps taking me back to that part where the guys who kidnapped Geom for the first tell him "If you had came back home 10 minutes later, we wouldn't had found you here" It hurts me so much to think 10 minutes and his life wouldn't have been like that, 10 minutes and he wouldn't have go through all that shit. He was so young and innocent. He was in love, he was trying to live better and everything was gone in an instant, if only he had stayed with Wooyeon 10 minutes more...
My mind keeps taking me back to that part where the guys who kidnapped Geom for the first tell him "If you had came back home 10 minutes later, we wouldn't had found you here"
It hurts me so much to think 10 minutes and his life wouldn't have been like that, 10 minutes and he wouldn't have go through all that shit. He was so young and innocent. He was in love, he was trying to live better and everything was gone in an instant, if only he had stayed with Wooyeon 10 minutes more...