man i can't believe i'm here again. after i read the ending in real time i haven't gone back to read this since, but man i'm just reminiscing on this series and it frustrates me to no end. it's so complex and just painful.
whoever recommended me this because it was like haikaveh from genshin and that it was funny, i hope your pillow is warm for the rest of your life ╥﹏╥ not only was this not like my favorite ship ever but also it wasnt even that funny, i spent most of no home straight up crying bruh
and i think the strongest and weakest part of the series is about eunyung and haejoon's complicated ass relationship. obviously it drives the story but I also just wish there was something more done about the end for them. I ship them, but also they're just beyond a ship. if anyone asked this is not a bl, in fact it's worse. they're doomed by the narrative to be foils and never one the same page about anything. like even writing this i want to cry because there's just no way i can sum up their frustrating ass relationship other than that it was frustrating and incredibly painful.
this series is just pain like deadass. i both deeply love and deeply deeply hate this manhwa. i just know that regardless, i'm gonna be thinking about no home for the rest of my life because it changed my brain chemistry that much
"if anyone asked this is not a bl, in fact it's worse" is so incredibly true LMFAOOOOO i had to giggle because they seriously r so hard to wrap ur head around at times... yet never fail to simultaneously break your heart too ☹
"if anyone asked this is not a bl, in fact it's worse" is so incredibly true LMFAOOOOO i had to giggle because they seriously r so hard to wrap ur head around at times... yet never fail to simultaneously break ... pikapika
"if anyone asked this is not a bl, in fact it's worse" is so incredibly true LMFAOOOOO i had to giggle because they seriously r so hard to wrap ur head around at times... yet never fail to simultaneously break ... pikapika
man i can't believe i'm here again. after i read the ending in real time i haven't gone back to read this since, but man i'm just reminiscing on this series and it frustrates me to no end. it's so complex and just painful.
whoever recommended me this because it was like haikaveh from genshin and that it was funny, i hope your pillow is warm for the rest of your life ╥﹏╥ not only was this not like my favorite ship ever but also it wasnt even that funny, i spent most of no home straight up crying bruh
and i think the strongest and weakest part of the series is about eunyung and haejoon's complicated ass relationship. obviously it drives the story but I also just wish there was something more done about the end for them. I ship them, but also they're just beyond a ship. if anyone asked this is not a bl, in fact it's worse. they're doomed by the narrative to be foils and never one the same page about anything. like even writing this i want to cry because there's just no way i can sum up their frustrating ass relationship other than that it was frustrating and incredibly painful.
this series is just pain like deadass. i both deeply love and deeply deeply hate this manhwa. i just know that regardless, i'm gonna be thinking about no home for the rest of my life because it changed my brain chemistry that much