Sorry but it bothers me so much how could he NOT put a cover on him when he was almost NAK...

Bunbun March 13, 2025 12:25 am

Sorry but it bothers me so much how could he NOT put a cover on him when he was almost NAKED?!! Like idk how hot it is but still guess it just shows he he cares little ?? Am I reading too much into this??

    vj04 March 13, 2025 12:30 am

    I feel you but this time I think it's bc of the hot weather, it seems like it's summer if you see the panel where the old man is he has a hand fan bc of the heat

    summer2000 March 13, 2025 12:48 am
    I feel you but this time I think it's bc of the hot weather, it seems like it's summer if you see the panel where the old man is he has a hand fan bc of the heat vj04

    im not totally sure where they are in the korean countryside but i looked it up and it is surprisingly not that hot there especially at night.