Yapping time

YourMomisOnmyBed March 12, 2025 10:29 pm

This gotta be one of the most beautiful painful trauma gut wrenching manhwa I have ever read, such raw emotions are shown like damn. I dropped this some years ago, cause I just couldn't handle it, now after picking it up and re reading everything again, I can proudly say that I was still not ready lololololol, this manhwa is like a one time read thingy, tht leaves you thinking for your whole life cause how insanely crazy the plot is, and will leave a huge fckin impact in your heart. It will always be in my top 3 cause of the love that is shown in this manhwa, absolute beautiful. The way wooyeon looks at him with so much intensity and love like holy fck am I just imagining it or it's just so well drawn, plus the way the right words and dialogues are written just wow......one of the lines tht definitely made me cry like for 3 hrs straight was "pain deserves not pity but respect" Like damn that hit the spot, I was bawling like crazy, I had to stop reading for some days and give myself time cause I couldn't stop crying after every panel. I am in love with the way the love is shown so pure, sacrificial, and just everything you could describe it. The love between the two characters and how well it was portrayed perfectly was just anything I have ever read or seen. I just can't stop crying till now. I am gagged and sick to my core how disgustingly beautiful the love in this manhwa is. Absolute great work and masterpiece. I haven't still finished cause I need some time reading it again lol. I will prolly yap again here. Cause these comes in few manhwas that leaves you speechless but so much to say.
