Regardless of what Ash would or wouldn't do to hurt Lyle, I believe this is a result of hi...

Yatamomo March 12, 2025 8:00 pm

Regardless of what Ash would or wouldn't do to hurt Lyle, I believe this is a result of his abusive grandfather who has always made him feel inadequate regardless of how well he was doing. This reaction from Lyle is not one that stems from jealousy, but rather an innate one that stems from years of abuse and conditioning to believe that he isn't good enough.
That's why Ash is always very clear to make sure they talk things out and that Lyle doesn't keep his feelings to himself, but at the end of the day it's not a reaction that Lyle can control, but it's one he knows is not logically correct. Even though Ash is encouraging him to talk it out, he feels like him even getting upset is a burden that might result in him being abandoned.
