tbh im so happy the author kinda stopped with the overbearing/foreceful seme trope it was getting abit tired ngl i loved her past works but its nice to see her venture into more of the lovey-dovey types without the toxic masked as sweet or loving character type(sort of). this and her recent mangas are a breath of fresh air im so happy =3c do hope to see more of this bcs asumahiro are just too cuteeee~
tbh im so happy the author kinda stopped with the overbearing/foreceful seme trope it was getting abit tired ngl i loved her past works but its nice to see her venture into more of the lovey-dovey types without the toxic masked as sweet or loving character type(sort of). this and her recent mangas are a breath of fresh air im so happy =3c do hope to see more of this bcs asumahiro are just too cuteeee~