That movie made me feel dizzy simce I'm not into the POV kind of thing but it's more of filming and the tight spaces where they get trappped often make my heart drop, THAT SHI GAVE ME CHILLSS PLOT WAS GOOD BUT THE ATMOSPHERE AND TWISTS WEERE AMAZINGGGGGG, (I had to waych bluey after cause of that one scene) actually not one let me reant it here hehehe
The one were she had to climb up? Alone and where they all had to go down the the disappearing thing pops up?!!?? CHILSSSSS
when the supposed to be old friend smashed the head of one of them I HAD TO CLOSE MY EYES AND THE CAR ONEEE AFHHHHHHJAGSKAFSKAGHA
had to freaking turn the flashlight on while typing thia since its dark already here in my country,
And btw worded the last part so dang well, that's the downside of the system here in earth.
I recently just watched As Above, So Below movie and it was do damn great to the point that everything gave me chills. The chapter's title was also mentioned on the movie when the characters are starting to enter hell. "Ye Who Enters Must Abandon All Hope." I AM TERRIFIED AND MIND YOU THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST GUT-WRENCHING AND REVENGEFUL ISEKAI MANGA I'VE EVER READ. The connection of everyting? The level of how twisted a human can reach and stoop so low with? The lengths people will do for the satisfying revenge. Masterpiece.