I don't know. It sounds like a real bad idea to let this crazy chick live. I mean like come on seriously the girl is unhinged and she's like "Let's show mercy..." girl no! That's crazy! Although the real star Maiden was possessed by this crazy chicken, she would lose her own life thru no fault of her own... but can you imagine? Having your body taken over and this person goes around and does the dirty deed with it and does crime with it and then all of a sudden, if you did come back to your original body you realized all the horrible things that was done?

So yes the og pina was trapped in her own body as the reincarnater took control. she had to witness her body get violated repeatedly. when angel and remilia have a children, one is emi reincarnated and the other is og pina, but she was so traumatized by what happened to her body that she wished to be as their son instead.