I believe ver has to kill ken for Aman to come to that world. That's why Ken said it'll be...

JustPineapples March 12, 2025 12:31 pm

I believe ver has to kill ken for Aman to come to that world. That's why Ken said it'll be bad for ver. And Cain said is too much to think for reincarnation. I dunno the plot really is in a twist. But as I've said again in my previous comment, men killed cain and framed it on vercike. That's why their asking for forgiveness but agio didn't know that so somehow he shares power tp humans even tho, they killed cain. That's why the pointiff asked if men could be forgiven. And the answer is no. Ken being killed and the true moon and agio appearing will truly bring the unison of aman, giving the final judgement to men. As Cain have always wanted, and Ken already knows what happen but can't say anything. Anyways this are just my hyopothesis from reading this for 5 fucking yrs hays hahaga

    AXCEL March 12, 2025 3:03 pm

    Yooo~ this actually checks out~

    Hella shitty for Ken & Agia tho

    Maybe that's another reason why Ken doesn't want to fulfill the prophecy?

    Everyone loses, except for Cain & Agio (& maybe Ver, in a way)

    cheburashko March 19, 2025 5:51 am

    Oooh! I've actually had the same theory about men actually killing Cain and framing Ver for awhile now ⊂(◉‿◉)つ the pontiff seems to be confirming it but we'll see I guess ¯_ʘ‿ʘ_/¯ I also think they've used Agio (somehow consumed his blood or his body?? ಠ﹏ಠ) to get the devine powers for the disciples - I've thought at first it was Cain, but his blood was the essence of life and Ver could drink it - while Agio is death - so it makes sense his blood would be toxic to vampires; and also I think they're using the previous Frederick - the one they keep in a tube in the lab - to make artifacts ತ_ತ